Kompedia is one of the business entities of PT KOMPEDIA AKSATA DAYA, a consulting service company engaged of Human Resources that helps individuals and organizations in business development in the organization.
Kompedia is supported by good teamwork and experienced of human resource management in various leading organizations in Indonesia. The professionals which joined the Kompedia Team have a long track record as professionals in multinational companies, HR consultants, and Trainers/Facilitators in various training programs in multinational organizations and companies.
We believe that every organization has diverse dynamics and challenges, so our mission is to provide the right solution that suits the needs of the organization.
Assessment is an integrative data/information collection activity in the form of potential, abilities, skills and competencies of individuals.
The assessment uses the principle of multiple exercise and multiple assessor, each candidate will be given certain exercises that stimulate a response, where the response that appears is a representation of the potential and competence of each candidate.
Implementing Training Programs that are suited to the needs, work culture and goals of the organization through the improvement of skills, knowledge and attitudes that contribute the increasing of abilities and accountability as best and reliable professional.